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Our Guarantee for Internet Purchases

Prior to purchase, it is always best to evaluate an alpaca in person. However, at times, people feel comfortable in making internet purchases with description, pictures, show records and fleece samples alone, but without the benefit of actually seeing the alpaca.

In an effort to enhance feelings of assurance for both parties, an escrow/return policy has been established. In these instances, a sales contract is signed and payment is held in escrow until the animal is delivered and the purchaser's satisfaction is established. The purchaser has: 3 days following delivery, to inspect and examine the animal, including an exam by their own veterinarian.

After three days, they must notify us of their intent to either keep the animal and release the payment held in escrow or to arrange for transport back to our ranch. If the animal is returned in good health, the payment is refunded in full. The purchaser is responsible only for the costs associated with transport and insurance.

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