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Ranch Setup

Learn the Nuts and Bolts of Alpaca Ranching at a Jam-Packed Multi-day Tutorial

Alpaca Ranching Setup
Alpacas at the Lone Ranch have carefully organized a step-by-step system for setting up to succeed at Alpaca-Ranching.

Personalized Alpaca Tutorial
A multi-day tutorial is conducted at Lone Ranch before you take your alpaca home. It is jam packed with the nuts and bolts, information and skills, you will need to get off to a successful start. You will learn the basics about how to judge your alpacas' conformation and fleece, how to set up their surroundings and generally what to expect. You will have the opportunity to practice basic skills like feeding, trimming toenails, giving injections, breeding and more. You will also take home materials to assist you with beginning business operation essentials.

Ongoing System for Information and Support
You will learn how to establish a relationship with your local veterinarian that is specific to alpacas. In addition, we will assist you with a system to access information and get answers to questions on an ongoing basis. This will range from a simple phone and fax for frequently asked questions, to an e-mail/internet linked system for reference information.                                                                                                                            

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