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I Love Alpacas

Ranch News (Blog)

Rogue Valley Farm Days

Sunday, July 14, 2024
Due to the current heat wave, we decided not to participate in this year's RV Farm Days.
Being out there until 3 PM didn't seem appealing.

We will be open for regular tours at 9:30 AM.

Knitting group meets the girls

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Earlier this month, on a lovely spring afternoon,

I suggested to my knitting group to stop knitting a

little earlier than usual and visit the female alpacas.

A few were ready to do so and a very good time was had!.

Goldie joined our herd recently

Sunday, October 15, 2023
Goldie and 4 other females are happily living at our ranch since early September.
Her light fawn daughter Sweet Pea, medium brown Lavinia, medium fawn Bella and her medium fawn daughter Lillie have settled in nicely. You'll find pictures and more info about those girls under "Non-Breeders".

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 5, 2022
How lucky can we get? A photographer from Ashland enjoys coming out here and spend time with the alpacas. Last year, the day after Christmas, it snowed heavily.
This is when the 2022 Christmas card got created!
Kimaree enjoyed the story "Twas the night before Christmas"

Eagle Point Library Display

Friday, April 22, 2022
One of my knitting group friends recently suggested that I do an alpaca display at our local Eagle Point Library. They have a beautiful 6' x 9' display case. Never wanting to miss an opportunity to promote the wonderful alpacas, of course, I said yes. I was very pleased with the way it turned out and it was up for a month.
A few weeks ago, the Library Manager, Lewis Maurer, gave a presentation to the Eagle Point Women's Club about all the services the library provides to the public.<...

Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, February 4, 2022
Angelina (AKA Oreo) front
Jasmine left
Brooklyn right

are wishing you a very happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Winter!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022
So far this winter, we've had more snow than ever! While it's very beautiful looking outside the window, it's a tad more work in the alpaca shelters. The alpacas like the snow during the day, but prefer to sleep in the shelter at night. So you probably can imagine the mess we find in the morning! But we call that work exercise!

Ranch Visitors show off their Creations knitted from our Yarn

Friday, December 31, 2021

Annette's Beret

Here is the completed beret from your gorgeous alpaca/bamboo yarn. It has been finished for days, but I've been waiting for my daughter Anna to have time to put it on to model it for you. It is SO light and warm and I have ALMOST enough yarn left for another one. I can certainly make a baby hat out of what is left. I don't wait to waste an inch of it.

I made a couple of changes to the pattern you gave me. I added two stitches to the garter stitch border fo...

Fall has arrived

Saturday, October 24, 2020
and with that, lots of oak leaves and acorns. Our crias are working on getting their camouflage Halloween costume ready in time.

Yoga and Alpacas

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Yoga with Alpacas

For several weeks now, yoga instructor Melanie Mecham and her students have enjoyed Yoga with Alpacas ...

Our ranch was featured on PBS Create

Friday, October 21, 2016

Click on the link below. The title is a little weird - it's a combination of both businesses featured in episode 4.

Mr. and Mrs.Toad

Sunday, June 1, 2014
Ok - every visitor loves the alpacas, especially Kimaree, but then - if they are lucky - there's Mr. Toad. Thanks to the Creepy Crawlies column in the Upper Rogue Independent, we learned last July that Mr. Toad and his girl friends (they are smaller so we are making an assumption here..) belong to the " Western toad, an amphibian who much prefers land to water. No matter their color (gray to reddish brown to yellow or green) they have a white stripe down their back."

Mr. T...

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